Time Saver Pipe for outdoor wood stoves. Time Saver Pipe for outdoor corn stoves. Time Saver Pipe for hydronic solar applications. Time Saver Pipe for hydronic geothermal applications. Time Saver Pipe is flexible and easy to install.
Time Saver Pipe is comes in continuous sections up to 500 feet with no splices.

Information Downloads

by The Plastic Pipe Institute

The following downloadable PDF's were developed by The Plastic Pipe Institute:

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Pinnacle Supply, LLC

Customer Service: (888) 267-9102

© 2006 Pinnacle Supply, LLC, Montfort, Wisconsin
Time Saver Pipe is corrosion and encrustrian resistant.
Time Saver Pipe greatly reduces mineral and lime build-up.
Time Saver Pipe uses 90% less fittings and saves money by reducing components and labor.

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Time Saver Pipe has high temperature and pressure ratings. Time Saver Pipe is ideal for underground hot water piping systems. Time Saver Pipe's outer skin is a  4 inch corrugated, non-perforated polyethylene plastic. High density polyethylene is one of the most chemically inert of all plastics Time Saver Pipe uises MicroFoil that providea an R-Value of approximately 14.